
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend ramblings........

Hello all, the weekend has come and gone now.  It was a long 3 day weekend and we played outside a lot and I even set up the pool for the kids.  Also I bought mattresses for the bunk beds, and now my daughter is happily sleeping in her own bed again! :)  yay Caitlin!!

Holiday's are hard for me ever since being separated.  I don't know if that will ever change.  I hope so, but right now they are tough. 

Hand, foot, and mouth virus........huh?  Well my little boy may have it.  Headed to the drs office in the a.m. to find out for sure.  But it's spreading like wild fire at our daycare.  may be spending some days at home this week.....

Thanks for the holiday we were given yesterday & to celebrate our freedom.  I have quite a few friends who have served in the military and my relative Little "Joe" Barker was on the USS Arizona that went down in Pearl Harbor.  His body was never recovered, and according to my dad haunted Little Joe's parents til their own deaths.........I would like to go to the memorial someday to see his name on the wall.  I have visited the Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC and that was very moving.  A day to remember for all those who have served.  When I was kid my parents drug me around to every local cemetary and told me who was buried where.  i can't recall now that I'm older, and NOW it means something to me.  And I think to myself I must get this down on paper before my parents get much older........

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Day of School

My daughter completed her last day of school yesterday.  Kindergarten is just a memory now.  It's really hard to believe and I think I'm more teary eyed now than I was on the 1st day.  She's growing up........


Some random facts about myself (sorry stole this from another blog but thought it was a good idea!)

1. I have two kids who mean the world to me, and make me smile :)  Family is really the most important thing in my life.

2. I LOVE to garden. Get my hands dirty. Love it!!

3. I love crime shows.  I'm fascinated by them.  If I were not a legal assistant I would be a private investigator or FBI agent!! :)

4. I take photos.  My camera is almost always with me.  I have to capture those moments in time.  Whether it be my kids running or being ornery, or the scenery. 

5. I can be content reading a book if I have the time and the relaxing lawn chair on a beautiful spring day or cozied up in my bed or couch under a warm blanket in the wintertime.  Nothing better than a good book that reals you in and you can't put it down............

That's it for now......more to come.......

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beautiful weekend (and busy too!)

HI, it was a busy weekend as usual for us. Game day on Sat. Tball at its best in a neighboring town.  The kids did great, and it's so neat to see them improve over the past couple of months.  I'm a coach (well officially I am but most of the time i spend in the dugout trying to corale my son, help with the batting lineup, and my more official job is photographer for the team.  I like and can handle that job the best!!)
We're winding down the season now as they started in early April.  Then.....what will we do? My daughter will be out of school (her first year of kindergarten down!  Yay!) and then it will be activities with mom, dad, grandma, daycare, or etc....I would like to get her into swimming lessons.  This time possibly with a one on one instructor so she can really learn to swim well. Gotta check into that. And hopefully take the kids somewhere for a little vacation.

Attended a really nice graduation party this afternoon.  Hard to believe they grow up that fast.  And she was such an excellent student she graduated early! We enjoyed leftovers sent home since they had an excess of food!

Planted a bit more garden and got it watered as well.  Dry dry dry here in IA.  We could use a good rain shower. 

All for now.........goodnight.  BTW, is anyone reading ?  Let me know!!  :) 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Babies! Babies!! (not mine by the way!!)

Seems that I know so many parents who are pregnant and having children this year.  I just heard from a good friend that her daughter had her baby boy and I checked out her blog today.  She was overdue at 41 weeks.  He is BEAUTIFUL!  I love babies in that infant stage.  So soft, and tender to the world.  They are definatley little miracles.  So onto the next mom we know who will have a little one.  Just counting in my head I know of 5 this fall/winter. 

Here is my little guy when he was an infant almost 2 years ago!!  So sweet (BUT how did they turn out so dang ornery!!??) And his big sissy so happy and excited!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bunk Beds!!

Finally, my daughter is getting the "red" bunk beds she has been wanting.  Been a long time coming, but things have finally worked out, and financially it is a good deal!  Which is a plus!!

Here is  pic of what they will look like.  And I bought them from a local lady near our hometown which was nice as well.  I like to deal that way instead of going to a store anyway. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Plantin' garden

After a fun cookout with my family the night before, and sleeping in a bit today, we finally got more of our garden planted.  I have been anxiously awaiting to get more of it planted.  Caitlin & I planted lettuce, and it barely came up.  Too much rain!  So today the rest of the lettuce was replanted and the peas.  Sweet corn as well as ornamental mini corn for fall, and I did go ahead and plant my pumpkins although it's probably way too early.  I still have to get in some tomatoes and potatoes, and wait for them to start growing!  My daughter is SO into gardening and planting flowers.  She loves it!  It's fun to watch her carefully plant the seeds, or hold the plants so delicately.  Colton, on the other hand, just wants to plow thru and dig into what we have already planted!  He found an earthworm and was fascinated!  Again all boy!! :)  Night, and hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just another Hallmark

I love all holiday's.  And today is Mother's Day, and I greatly enjoy relaxing with my family and just thinking about my own mother, grandmothers, and great-grandmother's who have come before.  I didn't know one of my grandmother's at all.  She died when I was 2 mo's old.  I often wonder what she was like, and how she was as a mother.  I hear stories that she was a kind and caring woman.  My own mother is a good mom to me, and a very good grandmother to her 2 grandchildren.  They love Grandma Sandy and she teaches them so much that I never can. 

I also think about how as a mother I can improve, listen, discipline, praise, teach my kids life lessons. 

I hope in the end I'm doing a good job......only time will tell. 

Call your mom, grandmother, Aunt, friend, and tell them what a good job they are doing.  Send them flowers, make them a card, send them a short text or email.  Just to  know that you think about them.  Why do we need a special day like this.....I think it's to remind us not to take our family for granted.  These mothers gave  Pretty damn important! 

My children made me hand made gifts that treasure more than anything they could have purchased for me.  Pictures of their tiny handprints, or a handmade book that my daughter made telling me why she loves me.  Should it take a "holiday" to spur this, but in this busy crazy life we live maybe it is best to stop for a moment on Sunday and take it all in.  It's okay to spoil our mom's with little gifts and cards on this day to show them they are special and that those 24 hours of laboring to bring you into this world.....yeah maybe it was worth it!! And you did turn out okay :) 

Some feels like such a routine and you are spinning your wheels ready to pull your hair out if you yell "no" one last time, but at the end of the day when you cuddle with your young babies or they say something very tender and sweet, that's all I need......(and for them to go to bed on time with no hassle :)  Kidding, but it does help this worn out mama!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Back among the living today.....

Back to work, daycare, school today.  Back to the normal routine.  Caitlin had a great time with me coming to her school to visit and have breakfast.  Tball this evening. 

My sinsues still ache, and my ears are ringing but had to try and work today.  So far it's going okay.

Enjoy the day everyone.  It's beautiful outside!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's hope this week starts to improve......

Came home from work yesterday afternoon ill.  Gotta love Springtime in Iowa and my allergy/sinus issues....I thought it was strep but thank goodness it was not.  Ear infection in both ears and lots of drainage from my nose causing a very sore throat.  So........on some good antibiotics and an antihistimine daily now.  It's off to bed for this achy body and to get rested up.  I'm no good being sick. 

Always so much to do.  I know it's too much somedays but I never want to miss out esp when they are so important to my kids.  Muffins for Mom's at my daughter's school tomorrow morning and a tball game tomorrow night.  I don't want to miss those. 

I had to laugh this morning as I went in the bathroom for a quick shower.  Very stressed out, but needed to get ready for my dr's appt.  The kids were watching t.v. and playing normally.  I look out from the shower curtain and there is my son putting dog food piece by piece into the toilet.  Yep, he's all boy......

Monday, May 7, 2012

I don't know.......

Okay so I am unsure how you make a comment to my blog!  Any advice is appreciated!  :)  Email me. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Ok I had a question re: posting comments.  I think all you have to do is write your comment, sign your name, but actually click on the title that says "Anonymous" if you don't have an account.  And that's it.  Let me know if it works and if anyone is reading :)  Thanks!

Little boys......I had no idea!

I have two little ones.  A boy and a girl.  My girl is 6.  And my son has almost reached the terrible 2's.  Well I think we may be there already.  I remember my daughter at this age.  She was ornery and would get into things..........but nothing like this boy of mine. Shoes in the microwave, a snake in the house, grabbing for a sharp knife, everything being turned into a weapon, running out the door with such abandon and not looking back.........I am constantly on he move and I'm saying "no" or "stop that!"  That's the only vocabulary he will know pretty soon if I don't expand it!

Boys are a different breed even at this age.  I am certain you can't be so general about all boys but overall this is my experience and what I hear from other's parents.  Fearless, and very curious!  AND always on the go,go,go.  He even moves in his sleep in his crib :) 

But I wouldn't have it any other way.  From the time I set eyes on him he had me.  I expected we would have another girl, and when the ultrasound tech said boy I wasn't so sure. I WAS sure the minute I laid eyes on him though.  What a joy you are Colton James. NOW stop that!!!!! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

The corn is coming up!

In Iowa there are a few things that we are known of them being (as my daughter and I like to sing about "That's where the tall corn grows!") YES we can grow some pretty tall corn! I love seeing the corn pop up out of the wet soil at this time of the year.  It amazes me how these tiny seeds can grow into sturdy corn plants in just a few short months.  And how my house will be surrounded & secluded from the world by the corn.  It creates this wall from the outside craziness.  And I kind of like that....
I think it may take me a while to figure out all of this blogging!  But I would like to add music to mine.  How to? 

Rainy Days....

What to say?  I've been looking at other blogs for ideas.  More than likely it will be about my  life right now, home, work, and kids.  Today and the all this week it has rained.  And although it's good for the crops and gardens....the rain is really getting to be a drag to be quite honest.  Enough!  Want to go outside without the chance of getting poured on or it be so hot and steamy!