
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New job!   It has been quite a change for me even though it's still in the legal biz.  Hoping that I like it, but only time will tell......

Monday, June 4, 2012

The latest....

Hello all,
Just have not felt like writing much so will keep this brief and hit the highlights of last week and this weekend.

Colt still has the HFM Virus.  The sores are drying up around his little mouth.  He has been fussy and not his usual happy self.  Plus on top of that dad took him to the dr. today and he has an infection.  Upper respitatory so some antibiotics should help with that.  I knew he probably had a secondary infection going on this weekend but could do nothing til we got him to the clinic today.

Poor guy just cannot catch a break.  Plus he's almost reached the terrible 2's and he's on a mad streak of "mine" and if I don't get my way then I have a melt down...........This too shall pass right?  :) 

Caitlin is doing great, and enjoying her summer break so far.  2nd to the last tball game this evening with an awards ceremony and treats.  Our head coach Michelle did a great job of decorating individual baseball cookies for each and every player.  They will be delighted!

I'm heading out on a new adventure in 2 weeks and working for a different office.  It was time...........

All for now.  Enjoyin this beautiful Iowa weather.........